35856 documents in
"Oil & Gas"
Government expects lower oil lifting, higher price next year
August 17, 2018
PDSI to supply rigs for Sanga Sanga block
August 16, 2018
Pertamina to turn TPPI refinery into petrochemical center
August 16, 2018
PEP obtains higher oil output at Ramba field
August 16, 2018
Pertamina obliged to purchase oil output of other contractors
August 16, 2018
Pant Orient: Drilling of Anggun-1X exploration well delayed to Q1 2019
August 16, 2018
BP says no LNG supply contract with Bangun Gas
August 15, 2018
Transcoal obtains diesel fuel transport contract
August 15, 2018
SKK Migas chief to meet upstream firms in US
August 15, 2018
PGN starts gas supply to N. Sumatra oleochemical plant
August 15, 2018
KrisEnergy: Final exploration period of Udan Emas PSC approved
August 15, 2018
Ministry will only issue short-term LNG import permit for Shell
August 15, 2018
KrisEnergy relinquishes East Seruway PSC
August 15, 2018
Government unveils tender of six oil and gas blocks
August 14, 2018
Regional LNG: Cheniere, CPC sign LNG sale and purchase agreement
August 14, 2018
Pertamina to digitalize gasoline pump nozzles
August 14, 2018
Interra reports higher production at Linda Sele TAC
August 14, 2018
Pertamina: 15 uncommitted LNG cargoes sold in spot market
August 13, 2018
PHE Siak exceeds production target
August 13, 2018
PGN plans LNG facilities in eastern Indonesia
August 13, 2018