35853 documents in
"Oil & Gas"
Jadestone to finalize deal with Pertamina in Ogan Komering block in Q4
August 29, 2018
PGN to file arbitration lawsuit against Petronas early September
August 29, 2018
Elnusa?s revenue jumps 47%, eyes more new contracts
August 29, 2018
Wintermar reports higher fleet utilization rate
August 29, 2018
Government to draft new LPG price formula
August 28, 2018
One contractor agrees to sell crude to Pertamina
August 28, 2018
SKK Migas wants Masela block to start production before 2027
August 28, 2018
PEP to start EOR program in Tanjung field November
August 28, 2018
SKK Migas: Oil, gas lifting below target
August 28, 2018
A total of 22 oil, gas contracts to expire in 2019-2026
August 28, 2018
SKK Migas approves termination of 34 oil, gas contracts
August 28, 2018
Twelve firms interested in six oil and gas blocks offered by government
August 27, 2018
Tuna PSC farm-in offer agreed subject to contract
August 27, 2018
Ministry to alter reporting system of oil and gas lifting
August 25, 2018
Badak NGL shuts down Train C for maintenance
August 24, 2018
PEP Asset 4 oil output exceeds target
August 24, 2018
RJM appoints SANTI Group as agent in Indonesia
August 24, 2018
Ministry to issue regulation for Pertamina to purchase crude from contractors
August 23, 2018
Premier says BIG-P project on schedule for first gas next year
August 23, 2018
PEP finds new oil, gas reserves in Jatibarang field
August 23, 2018