35856 documents in
"Oil & Gas"
Ministry to issue regulation for Pertamina to purchase crude from contractors
August 23, 2018
Premier says BIG-P project on schedule for first gas next year
August 23, 2018
PEP finds new oil, gas reserves in Jatibarang field
August 23, 2018
Government to provide tax holiday for Saudi Aramco?s refinery project
August 23, 2018
Investigation into CNOOC?s subsea pipeline leak completed
August 23, 2018
PGN?s net profit jumps 191.8%
August 22, 2018
Wiko named as new president of Pertagas
August 21, 2018
First half oil output at Rantau field higher than target
August 21, 2018
Government to resolve taxation issue over crude purchase by Pertamina
August 21, 2018
EPN starts construction of fuel storage tank in Halmahera Timur
August 21, 2018
Ophir obtains shareholders? approval to acquire assets from Santos
August 21, 2018
Pertamina seeks cooperation with SOCAR
August 20, 2018
Aneka Gas nearly completes target to build 100 gas filling stations
August 20, 2018
PEP starts drilling Wolai-001 exploration well
August 20, 2018
GSS completes reopening of well P1 in Trembul operating area
August 18, 2018
Saka makes new oil find in Pangkah block
August 18, 2018
Regional LNG: PNG LNG signs sales agreement with BP Singapore
August 18, 2018
Bass reports slight increase in oil production at Tangai-Sukananti field
August 17, 2018
Selat Panjang block estimated to have oil production rate of 4,000 bpd
August 17, 2018
CPC, Pertamina plan naphtha cracker plant
August 17, 2018