35870 documents in
"Oil & Gas"
PHE transfers Sukowati field to PEP
February 15, 2018
EMP subsidiary signs gas sales agreement with Pertamina
February 15, 2018
Lion launches strategic review of assets and board changes
February 14, 2018
PGN demands financial compensation from Petronas
February 14, 2018
Government restructures Pertamina board
February 14, 2018
PHE reports higher oil output
February 14, 2018
Capitalinc to drill two wells in June
February 13, 2018
Ministry continues deregulation measure to attract investment
February 13, 2018
Saka seeks partner for Pekawai, West Yamdena blocks
February 13, 2018
Pertamina ships five LNG cargoes to Japanese buyers
February 12, 2018
Bass plans two-well drilling program in Tangai-Sukananti KSO
February 12, 2018
Bass signs MOU with research consortium
February 12, 2018
PLN targets to absorb 44 LNG cargoes this year
February 10, 2018
Minister inaugurates household gas pipeline networks in E. Java
February 10, 2018
Ramba plans higher production in Lemang PSC
February 09, 2018
PHE ONWJ to drill one well in SP field in May
February 09, 2018
Continental awards FEED contract for refinery project to LSTS
February 09, 2018
PEP Asset 4 targets higher production
February 09, 2018
Pelindo III plans LPG terminal in S. Kalimantan
February 08, 2018
Pertamina eyes China to sell uncommitted LNG cargoes
February 08, 2018