35870 documents in
"Oil & Gas"
Ministry temporarily extends Tuban, Ogan Komering block contracts
February 22, 2018
Pertamina integrates taxation data with tax office
February 22, 2018
Government approves relinquishment of Karama block
February 21, 2018
Ministry to sign new oil and gas contracts in March
February 21, 2018
PHE seeks partners in developing five oil and gas blocks
February 21, 2018
Elnusa reports higher revenue, lower net profit
February 21, 2018
Petronas proposes LNG import from Malaysia for Tambak Lorok power plant
February 20, 2018
Petronas agrees to pay compensation to PGN
February 20, 2018
PEP drills NR-58 well in Limau field
February 20, 2018
Pertamina to supply diesel fuel to PTPN VI
February 20, 2018
Ministry unveils 2018 tender of 26 oil and gas working areas
February 19, 2018
BP appoints new Asia Pacific president
February 19, 2018
Pertamina-Medco E&P to resume Tiaka operations
February 19, 2018
Petronas proposes LNG to replace Kepodang gas
February 19, 2018
Royal Vopak expands tank terminal capacity in Jakarta
February 19, 2018
Ministry to start oil, gas block tender next week
February 17, 2018
PEP plans higher oil production
February 17, 2018
PGN, Padoma to develop gas infrastructure network in W. Papua
February 16, 2018
Pertamina signs new lubricants deal with Pamapersada
February 16, 2018
Nusantara Regas secures 24 cargoes of LNG this year
February 15, 2018