35861 documents in
"Oil & Gas"
Chiyoda awarded Pre-FEED contract for SURF, GEP in Masela project
June 19, 2018
NXT technology to be deployed in Aceh oil, gas survey
June 19, 2018
Bass reports higher oil output in S. Sumatra, plans drilling program in December
June 18, 2018
Pan Orient: Drilling of Anggun-1X well scheduled for October
June 18, 2018
Regional LNG: Chevron Australia starts LNG production at Wheatstone train two
June 16, 2018
Andalas eyes S. Sumatra upstream asset
June 16, 2018
West Papua drafts bylaw on oil, gas revenue split
June 16, 2018
Ramba completes farm-out of interest in Lemang PSC
June 15, 2018
IEA sees rising global oil demand next year
June 14, 2018
Regional LNG: Petronas completes first ship-to-ship breakbulk LNG transfer
June 14, 2018
Bonatti grabs EPC contract from Pertamina Algeria
June 13, 2018
Elsevier expands Indonesian content in Geofacets
June 13, 2018
Medco renews oil, gas contract with Libyan Investment Authority
June 13, 2018
HR Wallingford conducts ship navigation study at Tangguh LNG project
June 13, 2018
Lion to sign East Seram PSC in July
June 12, 2018
Pertamina: Acquisition of Pertagas by PGN to be concluded end June
June 12, 2018
Firms interested in oil, gas blocks transferred to Pertamina
June 11, 2018
PEP Asset 4 gas output exceeds target
June 11, 2018
Chevron?s EOR technology to nearly double Rokan block oil output
June 09, 2018
Pertamina to account for 39% of national oil, gas output in 2019
June 09, 2018