35856 documents in
"Oil & Gas"
Government: Energy subsidy payment jumps 51.7%
June 27, 2018
Regional LNG: Total, Pavilion Energy sign HoA to develop LNG bunker supply chain
June 27, 2018
Bank Mandiri provides $19.04m loan to Pertamina shipping unit
June 26, 2018
BPK recommends Pertamina to lift sanction against Buana Lintas
June 26, 2018
Petronas says it has not been notified by PGN over arbitration plan
June 26, 2018
RH Petrogas awarded new Basin, Island PSCs
June 25, 2018
Qatar Gas seeks cooperation with PATNA for investment in Aceh
June 25, 2018
PGN prepares to file lawsuit against Petronas
June 25, 2018
Four firms interested in Mahakam block
June 23, 2018
Vivo seeks approval to raise retail price of fuel products
June 23, 2018
Geomarin III vessel conducts biogenic gas survey in Nias Basin
June 23, 2018
Pertamina to start construction of Balikpapan refinery upgrade end 2018
June 22, 2018
Extension of oil, gas tender deadline hopefully can draw more investors
June 21, 2018
JOB Tomori completes 3D seismic in C. Sulawesi
June 20, 2018
PGN promotes GasLink to expand gas customers
June 20, 2018
Chiyoda awarded Pre-FEED contract for SURF, GEP in Masela project
June 19, 2018
NXT technology to be deployed in Aceh oil, gas survey
June 19, 2018
Bass reports higher oil output in S. Sumatra, plans drilling program in December
June 18, 2018
Pan Orient: Drilling of Anggun-1X well scheduled for October
June 18, 2018
Regional LNG: Chevron Australia starts LNG production at Wheatstone train two
June 16, 2018