Starborn Energy Bontang Pte. Ltd.
Start date: May 29, 2020 End date: June 02, 2020
Starborn Energy Bontang Pte. Ltd. (“COMPANY”) as Production Sharing Contractor of Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (“SKKMIGAS”), invites Potential Vendor to participate in the Pre-qualification process in compliance to Pedoman Tata Kerja No. PTK-007/SKKMA0000/2017/S0 (Revisi 4) and Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Tender No. EDR-0167/SKKMH0000/2017/S7.
Bid Subject and NPK : Provision of Oil Spill Risk Assessment and Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP) NPK.: SEB-PQ20007
Qualification, Classification and Status : Qualification: Large Scale Business
Status: Perusahaan Dalam Negeri / Perusahaan Nasional
Classification: 02.p.01 Consultant Services
Sub classification: 02.p.01.02 Consultation on Occupational Safety and Health
A. General Requirements:
Interested Bidders with qualifications and classifications in line with the scope of work being bid, must submit the following documents during registration:
1. Original letter, requesting to participate in the Bid and Pre-Qualification on Bidder’s letterhead, with clear address, telephone, fax numbers, e-mail and detail person in charge (name, title, mobile no., email).
2. Copy of valid Vendor Certificate from CIVD (SPDA)
3. Valid Surat Persetujuan Sebagai Perusahaan Penilaian Persyaratan Penanggulangan Pencemaran from Ministry of Transportation, Directorate General of Sea Transportation.
B. Schedule & Location
1. Registration of Prequalification : 29 May 2020 and 02 June 2020 09.00 – 16.00 WIB
*To register, Vendor shall send the General Requirement/Prequalification Registration Document via email to: and
2. Distribution of Prequalification Assessment Document : 03 June 2020
*Tender Committee will send the Prequalification Assessment Document via email.
3. Prequalification Clarification Period : 05 June 2020 09.00 – 16.00 WIB
*Vendor shall send their questions/clarifications regarding the Prequalification Assessment Document via email to: and
4. Prequalification Proposal Submission : 08 - 10 June 2020 09.00 – 16.00 WIB
*Vendor shall submit Prequalification Proposal via email to: and
Only Interested Bidders who submitted the above required documentation in its entirety and pass the Pre-Qualification process will be eligible to be invited to Bid.
Jakarta, 27 May 2020
Starborn Energy Bontang Pte. Ltd.
Bid Committee