Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited
Start date: January 16, 2024 End date: January 17, 2024

Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited and Saka Energi Muriah Limited as Contractors of Cooperation Contract (KKKS) of SKKMIGAS hereby invite goods and service providers to participate in the following tender.
- BID NO & TITLE : BID-22-0215R3 Provision Of Liner Hanger Equipments And Services
- QUALIFICATION : Big Scale Company
- Applicant Qualification |
Big Scale Company |
Local Content Requirement |
Min. 35 % |
- Activity Section/Sub Section |
KLBI 2020 9100 Aktivitas Penunjang Pertambangan Minyak Bumi Dan Gas Alam |
Scope of Work:
(COMPANY) seeks a qualified and experienced Contractor that is having available resources and access to provide and deliver Liner Hanger Equipment and Services on a “call out” basis to support the upcoming programme. The Contractor shall provide Liner Hanger for installation in high angle well. This is a retender process from the previous tender.
The duration of the contract is for two-years period.
General Requirement for Registration:
Interested Applicants could register for the pre-qualification process by submitting following documents:
1. Interest Letter to participate in the Tender using Applicant letterhead complete with address, phone number, facsimile number and active email that can be contacted.
2. Valid SPDA (Surat Pengganti Dokumen Administrasi) which issued by SKKMIGAS Centralized Integrated Vendor Database (CIVD).
Schedule of Prequalification:
Details of pre-qualification requirements and general scope of work are provided in the Pre-qualification Document. Applicant could register for the Prequalification Document thru email at the schedule and venue given below:
Date : 16-17 January 2024
Time : 09.00 - 15.00 hrs.
Email to : ; ;
Email Subject : PQ Registration for BID-22-0215R3
This tender process is based and refers to the Pedoman Tata Kerja SKK MIGAS No. PTK- 007/SKKIA0000/2023/S9 (Revisi 05) and tender guidlines no. EDR-0143/SKKIH0000/2023/S0 and only qualified applicant could participate in this Prequalification.
Jakarta, 15 January 2024
Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited
Saka Energi Muriah Limited
Bid Committee