Jadestone Energy (Lemang) Pte. Ltd
Start date: October 26, 2023 End date: October 31, 2023

Jadestone Energy (Lemang) Pte. Ltd. ("Jadestone") as the Contractor of Oil and Gas Production Sharing Contract is inviting Vendors that meet the Pre- Qualification to participate in tender as below:
Tender Title : Provision of Chemical, Lube Oil, and Grease To Support Operation and Maintenance Akatara Field Jambi
Tender Number : JELPL 104 PR 09 23
Commodity Category : Pelumas
Business Classification : 6100 - Pertambangan Minyak Bumi (KBLI 2020)
Business Sub-CIassification : 1512 - Lubricants and Oils and Greases and Anti Corrosives (UNSPSC)
Business Classification : Usaha Menengah
Risk of Work : Resiko Menengah
Minimum Local Content : 25%
Company Status :
- Perusahaan Dalam Negeri (PDN)
- National Company
- Consortium PDN +PDN
- Consortium PDN + PN
Scope of Work:
To provide Chemical, lube oil and grease to support operation and maintenance activities of Akatara field in Jambi.
Registration Reguirements:
1. Interested companies must submit an application letter interested in participating in the Pre-Qualification Tender signed by the authorized director of the company (must include full address, telephone number and email address that are still active and can be contacted. If the company forms a consortium. the company must State clearly and register as a Consortium.
2. The company must also attach a valid Letter of Substitute for Administrative Documents (SPDA). For Consortium participant, each of consortium member shall submit Document SPDA as well.
3. Companies can register by sending an email to jkt-tendercommittee@jadestone-energy.com with the subject "Registration for Tender Prequalification No. JELPL 104 PR 09 23 _ PT XXXXX" by attaching the requested documents at no.1 and 2 above in PDF form.
Pre-Qualification Schedule:
Pendaftaran dan Pengambilan Dokumen Prakualifikasi : 26 - 31 Oktober 2023 jam 16.00 WIB
Penyerahan Dokumen Prakualifikasi : 8 November 2023 jam 16.00 WIB
1. Registration and document submission beyond the above designated time is unacceptable.
2. Pre-Qualification participants who passed the Pre-Qualification will be invited to participate in such tender and to collect Tender Document.
3. This Prequalification announcement in accordance with the SKKMIGAS Work Procedure and Guidelines on Supply Chain Management of PSC Contractors SKKMIGAS No. PTK-007/SKKIA0000/2023/S9 Revision 05 Book Two and Instruction for Procurement of Goods and Services No. EDR- 014/SKKIH0000/2023/S0 and its amendment thereof.