BP Berau Ltd
Start date: August 19, 2024 End date: August 22, 2024

Tender No. 4420003843
Bp invites candidates to participate the prequalification process for tender Marine Time Charter Party for Tugboat to Support Tangguh LNG Operations No. 4420003843. The tender process No. 4420003843 refers to Pedoman Tata Kerja No. PTK-007/SKKIA0000/2023/S9 (Revisi 05) Buku Kedua dan Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa No. EDR-0143/SKKIH0000/2023/S0 and its revision from time to time (“ PTK 007”) as the tender procurement guideline of goods and services for Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Contractor.
General Scope of Work
The provision of marine services to provide one (1) unit Tugboat to support berthing/unberthing activities LNG Transportation in Tangguh area, Papua. Vessel specification requirement is as follows:
- Indonesian flag vessel
- Bollard Pull minimum of 50 tons and engine power output minimum of 4400HP with azimuth drive.
- Adequate Oil Spill Response capability for towing and deployment equipment, equipped with a Derrick or Crane (HIAB)
- Class BKI & IACS
information related to prequalification.
Tender Tittle |
Qualification |
Minimum Local Content |
Risk Classification |
Job Classification |
Company Status |
Marine Time Charter Party For Tugboat To Support Tangguh LNG Operations |
Large Business |
85% |
High Risk |
Maritime Transport |
-Domestic Company (PDN) -National Company (PN) -Consortium of PDN with PDN -Consortium of PDN with PN and/or Foreign Company (PA) |
To become invited CANDIDATE in the prequalification process above, Supplier shall register and submit:
1. Letter to request to participate Prequalification process which includes information: email address and mobile phone of 2 (two) contact persons of Candidates who shall be contactable in relation with the Prequalification process which will be held in ARIBA portal
2. Statement Letter starting commitment to achieve minimum local content as determined above or copy of local content released authorized government institution
The requested documents above shall be addressed to: BP Tender Committee, to email: asih.pertiwi@bp.com and gina.mayang.lestari@bp.com with subject “Prequalification Registration for Tender No. 4420003843 – company name”
Only Suppliers who meet all the prerequisites above will be invited to the Prequalification process
Prequalification Invitation will be sent via bp official procurement portal. For further information, Suppliers can access video guideline on this portal https://www.bp.com/id/indonesia /home/siapa-kami/proses-pengadaan-di-bp-indonesia.html.
Registration Period : 19 Agustus 2024 – 22 Agustus 2024
Jakarta, 16 Agustus 2024
Panitia Tender BP Berau Ltd
Arsita Puteri
Ketua Panitia Tender