PT Medco E&P Indonesia
Start date: July 12, 2024 End date: July 17, 2024

PT Medco E&P Indonesia as the Contractor of Oil and Gas Production Sharing Contract is inviting Company that meet the Pre-Qualification (PQ) to participate in Goods and/or Services Procurement as follow:
Procurement Title : Jasa Pengelolaan Transportasi dan Pengurusan Perizinan Bahan Peledak
No Procurement : CS60131
Business Classification : Large-scale Enterprise
Type of Procurement : Pengadaan Jasa Lainnya
Classification/ Subclassification : 25200 Industri Senjata dan Amunisi or 20114 Industri Kimia Dasar Anorganik Lainnya or 09100 Aktivitas Penunjang Pertambangan Minyak Bumi Dan Gas Alam or bidang/sub-bidang lainnya yang sesuai
Local Content : 90%
Company Status : Perusahaan Dalam Negeri (PDN), Perusahaan Nasional (PN), Konsorsium PDN dengan PDN, dan/atau Konsorsium PDN dengan PN.
Scope of Procurement:
Ruang Lingkup Pekerjaan yang harus disediakan dan/atau dilakukan oleh Kontraktor selama Jangka Waktu Kontrak adalah Jasa Pengurusan Proses Perizinan dan Pegelolaan Bahan Peledak pada instansi Satuan Kerja Khusus Minyak & Gas bumi (SKK Migas), Direktorat Jendral Minyak & Gas bumi (Ditjen Migas), Polisi Sektor (Polsek), Polisi Restor (Polres), Polisi Daerah (Polda) dan Markas Besar Polisi Republik Indonesia (Mabes Polri) serta instansi terkait lainnya di lapangan Perusahaan di wilayah Rimau, South Sumatera Block (SSB), Lematang, Blok-A, Tarakan, Natuna, Sampang dan Madura Offshore, dan Grissik.
PQ participants candidate who interested shall follow the process of Pre-Qualification with the requirements as completely stated in Pre-Qualification Evaluation Document. The PQ participants candidate who interested shall follow the following process:
1. Registration period and collecting Pre-Qualification Evaluation Document at 12 July 2024 08:00 WIB - 17 July 2024 16:00 WIB
2. Submission Date of Pre-Qualification Document: 18 July 2024 16:00 WIB
1. The PQ participants candidate who interested to register shall registered in Centralized & Integrated Vendor Database (CIVD) website ( and have a valid SPDA.
2. PQ participants candidate who registered shall upload all required document for Pre-Qualification through e-Proc website (
3. If Consortium, company who represent the Consortium shall register in Pre-Qualification in the Company’s e-Proc system (
4. Details can be seen on PQ participants who passed the Pre-Qualification will be invited to participate in such tender and to collect Tender Document.
PT Medco E & P Indonesia