PT Medco E&P Indonesia
Start date: July 11, 2024 End date: July 16, 2024

PT Medco E & P Indonesia as the Contractor of Oil and Gas Production Sharing Contract is inviting Company that meet the Pre-Qualification (PQ) to participate in Goods and/or Services Procurement as follow:
Procurement Title : Drilling Spool Adapter
No Procurement : BG60090
Business Classification : Pabrikan Dalam Negeri atau Agen dari Pabrikan Dalam Negeri
Type of Procurement : Pengadaan Barang Classification/Subclassification:
- 46599 -Perdagangan Besar Mesin , Peralatan dan Perlengkapn Lainnya
-4662 -Perdagangan Besar Logam dan Bijih Logam
- Sub Bidang yang Sejenis
Local Content : 25%
Company Status : Perusahaan Dalam Negeri (PDN), Perusahaan Nasional (PN), Konsorsium PDN dengan PDN dan/atau Perusahaan Asing, atau Konsorsium PDN dengan PN dan/atau Perusahaan Asing.
Scope of Procurement:
Pengadaan Drilling Spool Adapter
PQ participants candidate who interested shall follow the process of Pre- Qualification with the requirements as completely stated in Pre-Qualification Evaluation Document. The PQ participants candidate who interested shall follow the following process:
1. Registration period and collecting Pre-Qualification Evaluation Document at 11 Juli 2024 pkl 13:00WIB s/d 16 Juli 2024 pukul 14:00 WIB
2. Submission Date of Pre-Qualification Document: 16 Juli 2024 Pukul 14:00 WIB
1. The PQ participants candidate who interested to register shall registered in Centralized & Integrated Vendor Database (CIVD) website ( and have a valid SPDA.
2. PQ participants candidate who registered shall upload all required document for Pre-Qualification through e-Proc website (
3. If Consortium, company who represent the Consortium shall register in Pre-Qualification in the Company’s e-Proc system (
4. Details can be seen on PQ participants who passed the Pre-Qualification will be invited to participate in such tender and to collect Tender Document
PT Medco E & P Indonesia