35870 documents in
"Oil & Gas"
Mubadala Petroleum Signed Andaman I PSC in Indonesia
April 09, 2018
PGN supplies gas to more manufacturing firms in Karawang
April 09, 2018
Bass reports record production from RI oil field
April 09, 2018
Pertamina?s Q1 oil and gas output up 38.94%
April 09, 2018
Pertamina must consult with government before increasing fuel price
April 09, 2018
Drilling of AMT-2 appraisal well in Aceh scheduled for mid-May
April 09, 2018
Chevron in talks with government over Rokan block contract
April 07, 2018
Range estimates net output of 46 bopd from Perlak field
April 07, 2018
KS Energy unit awarded extension of drilling rig contract
April 06, 2018
EMP suspends gas supply to Riau power plant
April 06, 2018
PDSI?s net profit soars 209%
April 06, 2018
PEPC amends drilling procurement contract for JTB gas project
April 06, 2018
Perta Samtan Gas profit jumps 277.64%
April 06, 2018
SKK Migas, contractors sign gross split contracts for Andaman I, II blocks
April 05, 2018
Investment commitment in eight oil, gas blocks exceeds $556m
April 05, 2018
Investment in ONWJ block increases despite gross split scheme
April 05, 2018
Pertamina Balikpapan crude pipeline breaks
April 05, 2018
Former Pertamina president named graft suspect
April 05, 2018
Government shares in PGN valued at Rp 38.14t
April 04, 2018
Balladewa-1 well begins production
April 04, 2018