35853 documents in
"Oil & Gas"
PEP Asset 2 gas output exceeds target
September 24, 2018
Pertamina sign MOU with ENI to develop biorefinery
September 22, 2018
PEP drills BTP-01 well in Jambi field
September 21, 2018
Government to assign unsold oil, gas blocks to Pertamina
September 21, 2018
Tax issue hampers contractors from selling crude to Pertamina
September 21, 2018
BP, Eni compete in Makassar Strait block auction
September 21, 2018
Regional LNG: Woodside, Uniper sign HOA for mid-term LNG supply
September 21, 2018
Ministry moves forward auction of three oil, gas blocks
September 20, 2018
Ministry unveils auction of West Kampar block
September 20, 2018
Pertamina signs agreement with Jorong Port Development
September 20, 2018
PHM to transfer Mahakam block PI to E. Kalimantan in six months
September 19, 2018
PHE ONWJ: YY field to start production end 2019
September 19, 2018
Continental terminates joint venture talks
September 19, 2018
ConocoPhillips, Repsol seek to renew Corridor PSC
September 19, 2018
Pertamina reports higher oil production at Rantau field
September 19, 2018
Government sets higher oil price, lower oil lifting target next year
September 19, 2018
Pertamina lifts sanction against Buana Lintas
September 18, 2018
Oil, gas exports down due to transfer of Mahakam block to Pertamina
September 18, 2018
Regional LNG: ABS awarded classification contract for Singapore's LNG bunker barge
September 18, 2018
Chevron?s leaking gas pipeline triggers fire in Riau
September 18, 2018