35845 documents in
"Oil & Gas"
Ministry signs four gross split production sharing contracts
November 30, 2018
Medco completes 3D seismic in SNSB
November 30, 2018
Pertamina to spend $200m for joint study
November 30, 2018
Household gas pipeline in Sambutan starts operation
November 30, 2018
ENI relinquishes Bulungan block
November 29, 2018
SKK Migas to open seismic, oil well data to investors
November 29, 2018
PHE close to complete 3D seismic in Nunukan block
November 29, 2018
PEP sets lower oil, gas output target next year
November 29, 2018
Moody's downgrades Saka Energi to Ba2; outlook negative
November 28, 2018
News photo: Pertamina forum
November 28, 2018
PEP?s production rate slightly exceeds target
November 28, 2018
BP, AKR joint venture opens first retail fuels station
November 28, 2018
Geological Agency: Lack of funding hampers oil, gas exploration
November 28, 2018
EMP expects additional output in Tonga block
November 28, 2018
JDC obtains new drilling contract for Hakuryu-11
November 28, 2018
Sugih, Petronusa face lawsuit
November 27, 2018
News photo: Vessel acquisition
November 27, 2018
Minister issues decree on new fuel oil market price index
November 27, 2018
Humpus plans to acquire five new vessels
November 27, 2018
Techwin drills Pauman-1 exploration well
November 27, 2018