35845 documents in
"Oil & Gas"
Three firms compete to supply rig for PHENC
January 14, 2019
Oil, gas reserves replace ratio exceeds target
January 14, 2019
Government proposes BUN to manage upstream oil, gas sector
January 14, 2019
PGN allocates $500m for investment this year
January 14, 2019
PHM signs offshore support services contract with PTK
January 14, 2019
PHE plans higher oil, gas production this year
January 14, 2019
Pertamina eyes giant Tuba oil field in Iraq
January 14, 2019
Arcandra: Tuban refinery project won?t be relocated to Situbondo
January 12, 2019
SKK Migas to submit POD of Masela block to ministry end January
January 12, 2019
Six oil, gas blocks will convert to gross split scheme
January 12, 2019
Medco cuts possible offer price for Ophir shares
January 12, 2019
Ministry to auction five oil, gas blocks this month
January 12, 2019
Household gas pipeline network in Serang inaugurated
January 11, 2019
Chevron to conclude FEED tender for IDD project this year
January 11, 2019
PHM targets higher production in Mahakam block
January 11, 2019
SKK Migas allocates LNG for PLN power plants
January 11, 2019
PHE to drill Camelia-1 exploration well in Sumbagut block
January 11, 2019
Tropik to drill three wells in Pandan block
January 11, 2019
Pertamina targets 1.7% rise in oil, gas output
January 11, 2019
SKK Migas targets higher oil, gas lifting as new projects start production
January 11, 2019