PLTP Rantau Dedap to start operation in 2018-2019

By Hiski Darmayana


State utility PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) has targeted to start the commercial operation of geothermal power plant (PLTP) Rantau Dedap in Muara Enim regency of South Sumatera province in 2018-2019.


Its developer PT Supreme Energy is negotiating with the government on its energy sales contract (ESC).


?The developer is also waiting for the government to issue its JKU (Guarantee of its feasibility). But the local government has given its assignment letter to the developer,? Anang Yahmadi, senior manager of geothermal of PLN New and Renewable Energy Division, said in Jakarta on Thursday.


He also cited that the price agreed by the developer and the government was at 8.86 US cents per kilowatt hour (kWh).


With a generation capacity of 2 x 110 megawatt (MW) and is expected to further secure the power supply in South Sumatra province, the geothermal project will require a total investment of US$700 million.


Editing by Benget Besalicto Tnb.

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