Rabu-Kamis, 8-9 Februari 2023 | Hotel Akmani, Jakarta
Course Overview
This Course will feature interactive discussions mainly on major upstream oil and gas issues, regulations and agreements relating to the regional government’s business entity (Badan Usaha milik Daerah/BUMD). It is delivered from a practical perspective by qualified professionals who handle the approval process of most key transactions.
By participating in this course you will:
- Gain an extent overview of the rights of regional government in upstream petroleum industry
- Obtain substantial knowledge on the prevailing mechanism of regional government’s business entity for entering into the oil and gas project development
- Explore the common issues in exploration, production, sales and much more
- Understand the energy value chain – from prospect to the point of export
- Evaluate the material rules and processes in the sales of crude and natural gas
Course Agenda
- Regional government involvement through Participating Interest 10% (PI 10%)
- The Principles and objectives of PI 10%
- Overview of the successes and obstacles in transfer PI 10%
- Update on the laws and regulations regarding PI 10%
- Benefits of transfer PI 10% for regional governments (direct & indirectly)
- Seller appointment of State’s oil and gas share
- Allocation of Gas for Regional Government’s Business Entity (BUMD)
- Procedure of gas price approval
- Key terms of gas sales agreements
- Take or Pay
- Commissioning Period
- Gas Specification
- Delivery Point
- Make up Gas
- Price Review
- Characteristic of crude and natural gas
- commerciality features
- energy-to-volume ratio
- non-associated gas
- gas impurities
- market reliability
Who Will Benefit
This program is designed for oil and gas company personnels who handle business development, contract negotiations, business analysis, strategic planning, commercial operation; regional government representatives; and investment advisors.
Course Instructors

a senior legal counsel of SKK Migas, the Special Task Force for Upstream Business Activities of Indonesia. He has extensive experience in advising for among others the preparation and conclusion of Production Sharing Contract including its amendment and termination. He also responsible for the process of assignment of participating interests in the PSC and the Plan of Development. Prior to this role, he was an in-house counsel for Freeport Indonesia during which he practices mining
and corporate legal works.
Mr. Hadariat graduated from the Faculty of Law at Universitas Parahyangan and earned his master of law from Universitas Pajajaran.

a senior legal counsel for SKK Migas. He primarily advises sales transactions for the natural gas, LNG, LPG, crude and condensate of the State’s share. He also undertakes extensive work in the drafting and negotiations of LNG project developments and facility sharing contracts. Arief's experience includes five years of legal practice at prominent law firms in Jakarta namely Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho, Reksodupitro and KarimSyah, where he acted as an adviser in acquisitions and project financing of oil and gas companies.
He graduated from the Faculty of Law at Universitas Indonesia and earned his master in oil and gas law from University of Aberdeen School of Law. He is admitted to practice law in Indonesia and a member of PERADI, the Indonesian Bar Association.
Rabu-Kamis, 8-9 Februari 2023
Pukul : 08.00 – 17.00 wib
Venue : Hotel Akmani - Jakarta
Language : Bahasa
Rp.9,000,000,-* / Perserta
*) Diskon Group : pendaftaran lebih dari 2 orang mendapatkan diskon 10% *) Termasuk Coffee Break, Luncheon, Workshop Material, Certificate *) Fee Pembatalan : 7 hari sebelum acara: 80%.