Indonesia Power Project Financing
by Petromindo.com

Workshop leader
Vicky Lono, Finance specialist in oil and gas, power and infrastructure sectors
Vicky is a Structured Finance specialist currently in charge of client coverage and deal origination of structured finance transactions in oil and gas, power and infrastructure sectors
Course overview
Indonesia’s power infrastructure needs substantial investment if it is not to inhibit Indonesia’s economic growth. In many parts of the country the generating capacity struggles to keep up with electricity demand. Blackouts remain common across Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and areas of Eastern Indonesia.
Therefore, in line with the Government of Indonesia’s ambitious 35 GW program, together with PLN, the private sector has been playing and will continue to play a
significant role in the construction of generating capacity across Indonesia. There have been challenges in the past relating to regulatory, technical, socio-economic and cultural aspects which still stand as barriers to achieving the Government’s goals.
In addition, many developers are facing constraints in raising finance under the new regulations and commercial structures. What previously could be funded easily by a simple corporate loan nowadays requires more tailored and sophisticated funding solution via project and export financing.
The course would deliver an excellent primer for beginners or a great refresher for more advanced practitioners in project and export finance as well as address some myths and provide fact checks for certain commonly mistaken / misinterpreted structures.
Topics covered include:
- Introduction to Project and Export Finance
- Benefit of Project and Export Finance against corporate loan funding
- Type of ECA backed financing
- Typical transaction structure
- Standard transaction collateral package
- Risk allocation assessment
- Type of required due diligence
- Debt sizing methodology
- Key project risk analysis
- International standard for Environmental and Social Assessment
- Term Sheet example
- Financing process flow
- Key documentations
Who should attend?
- Lawyers
- Finance and Treasury professionals
- Business developments / corporate strategy
- Auditors and consultants
- Corporate executives
- Anyone from range of backgrounds interested to know about corporate finance world
Friday, October 23, 2020
Virtual Online Training
Rp.2.500.000,-* / Participant
*) Including Recorded Workshop Materials, Certificate. *) Cancellation Fee : 7 days before the event : 80%.Further Information
Telephone: +62-21-2245 8787
Email: businessevents@petromindo.com
Download Registration Form