

Mining companies recognize the need to improve analysis of site data, select appropriate tools and technologies, achieve higher fragmentation, improve exclusion zone management, and practically apply on drilling and blasting in order to maximize productivity and cost-effectiveness.

But what is being done and what can be done to realize these objectives?

Indonesia Blasting Engineer Society (IBES) together with Petromindo are pleased to host Annual Conference on Explosives, Drilling and Blasting in 2025. Ahead on this conference, together we will explore the fundamentals and basics of blasting and drilling techniques. Understanding the fundamental techniques in blasting and drilling process is essential for multiple reasons: safety assurance, optimal resource to achieve efficiency, improved precision and results, environmental considerations, and adaptation to advanced technologies.

Through specific case studies and industry interactive sessions, this conference will explore, discuss, and analyze the principles and wide range of drilling and blasting techniques, design technologies, safety and compliance, blasting optimization, digital transformation, and cost efficiency.

Who Should Attend
  • Blasting Engineer
  • Mine Manager or KTT
  • Explosives Supplier
  • Drill Supplier
  • Drill and Explosive Technology Provider
  • Mining and Quarry Contractor
  • Equipment Manufacturer and supplier
  • Mining Business Development
  • Mine Inspector
  • Geologist
  • Mining Consultant
  • Researcher

July 9-10, 2025

Rp.4,000,000.*/participant (Public)
Rp.3,500,000.*/participant (Member of IBES)
*) Including presentation materials, Luncheon, Coffee break *) Cancellation Fee : 7 days before the event : 80%

Marriott Hotel, Yogyakarta

Further Information

Whatsapp: +62-858-9999-8800

Telephone: +62-21-2245-8787

Email: marketing@petromindo.com

*Please note that this is a draft program and subject to change prior to the conference.
Organized by:
IBES petromindo