We are delighted to announce that the 8th International Indonesia Gas Conference & Exhibition will be held from 7 to 9 February 2017 in Jakarta Convention Center Indonesia
The IndoGAS series of events are considered to be the premier regional Gas events and this is the only even conducted specifically by the Gas Industry for the Indonesia Gas Industry. IndoGAS 2017 will be a landmark strategic, regulation, technical and commercial event for leaders, experts and committed professionals of the Gas Industry.
Business Forum
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
Natural gas will play more dominant roles vis-à-vis oil in Indonesia’s future energy mix. By 2025, Indonesia is expected to become a net gas importer, triggered by domestic gas demand growth at around 4 percent per year and insufficient domestic gas supply. Facing these circumstances, monetizing gas reserves, devising attractive fiscal system as well as developing Gas / LNG infrastructure are very critical to deliver affordable gas to consumers throughout Indonesia.
Taking into account the low oil price environment since end of 2014 as well as global economy circumstances, Indonesia gas industry is facing many challenges, as consumers demand low gas price when in other side producers are struggling on the economics of their projects and operation.
Breakthrough in the entire gas value chain is essential to create the market, such as introducing newer technologies in order to push the upstream sector, supportive fiscal system, well regulated and efficient mid stream, efficient and competitive consumers, which all and all needs government support and lead
Tuesday - Thursday, 7 - 9 February 2017
Conference Topics
1. Gas and Renewable Energy Policies for Sustainable Energy Supply
2. Global Outlook on Gas and LNG
3. Global Outlook on the increasing role of Renewable Energy
4. The Impact of low Oil price on Gas Projects
5. Encouraging the Development of Special Economic Zones(KEK) and Industrial Areas as Potential Gas Markets
6. Challenges and Opportunities for Indonesia to Import LNG from International Sources
7. Gas as based load for PLN power plants
8. Role of International Player in The Investment of New Power Generation
9. Educating the Indonesian Market for Renewable Energy Development
10. New Business Opportunities in Renewable Energy Development in Indonesia
11. Maximising Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Strategic Panel Discussion
1. Managing Indonesia’s Gas Supply and Demand
2. Supplying Energy in the New Reality
3. Pricing as essential element for the gas market development in Indonesia
4. The Convergence of Power, Gas and Renewable Energy
Technical Session
1. Optimizing the Gas Value Chain in Indonesia
2. Challenges and Opportunities in Coal to Gas Technology
3. LNG for Domestic small scale Industries and Transportation
Tuesday - Thursday, 7 - 9 February 2017
The IndoGAS 2017 Exhibition will provide an unrivalled promotional vehicle for companies wishing to establish their position in the Indonesian and international gas markets. The event offers an exceptional opportunity to network at the highest level with over 1000 key industry figures and decision makers from around the region.
IndoGAS 2017 drew the participation of top industry companies from Indonesia, USA, Europe, Japan, Korea, China, Australia, India, Malaysia and Singapore and more than 1000 professionals from gas producers, buyers, transporters, and end users
visited the Exhibition.
IndoGAS 2017 is expected to attract even more exhibitors and visitors
For further information please visit www.indogas2017.i-eec.com