Friday, 25 February 2022
A number of coal companies operating in South Sumatra, one of the regions with the largest coal reserves in Indonesia, plan to ramp up coal production in 2022 in line with the upgrading of coal transportation system, mainly via railway and river services.
Despite its huge coal reserve, coal production and sale from South Sumatra is far lower than East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan due to the large cost of coal transportation.
Last year, it is reported that coal shipment volume from Sumatra increased sharply to compensate for the declining coal supply from South Kalimantan due to the persistent rains in the latter region.
Data from Geological Agency shows Sumatra has 56 billion tons of resource with 12 billion tons of reserve out of the country’s total 149 billion tons of resource as of 2019 under which South Sumatra has a total resource of 44.2 billion tons and coal reserves of 9.45 billion tons.
The webinar would update coal transportation facilities in South Sumatra and the plans that would be executed this year in order to increase the volume of coal transportation in South Sumatra. What is the future of coal in Sumatra following the recent ground-breaking ceremony of the coal downstream project into Dimethyl Ether by President Joko Widodo. How could coal from Sumatra compete with coal from other producing regions in domestic and international markets?
Despite its huge coal reserve, coal production and sale from South Sumatra is far lower than East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan due to the large cost of coal transportation.
Last year, it is reported that coal shipment volume from Sumatra increased sharply to compensate for the declining coal supply from South Kalimantan due to the persistent rains in the latter region.
Data from Geological Agency shows Sumatra has 56 billion tons of resource with 12 billion tons of reserve out of the country’s total 149 billion tons of resource as of 2019 under which South Sumatra has a total resource of 44.2 billion tons and coal reserves of 9.45 billion tons.
The webinar would update coal transportation facilities in South Sumatra and the plans that would be executed this year in order to increase the volume of coal transportation in South Sumatra. What is the future of coal in Sumatra following the recent ground-breaking ceremony of the coal downstream project into Dimethyl Ether by President Joko Widodo. How could coal from Sumatra compete with coal from other producing regions in domestic and international markets?
14.00 | Introduction and opening remarks Hendra Sinadia, Executive Director of Indonesia Coal Mining Association |
14.10 | The future of coal in Sumatra to achieve the government’s target on the coal downstream project into Dimethyl Ether. What are opportunities and challenges? Speaker: Mr. Prof Irwandy Arif, Special Staff for Mineral and Coal Governance of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. |
14.30 | Overview of existing coal logistic services developed by PT RMK Energy to transport coal in Sumatra and the company’s target in 2022. Speaker: Mr. Tony Saputra, CEO of PT RMK Energy Tbk |
14.50 | Potential of River (Kelas II) to support coal transportation in South Sumatra. Project update: River highway of Lematang River and Musi Hulu River in South Sumatera. Speaker: Mr. Baharuddin, President Director of PT Batubara Mandiri. |
15.10 | Exploring coal logistic challenges and opportunities to explore coal reserve in South Sumatra Speaker: Mr. Nofelriri Zalni, President Director PT Trans Energy Indonesia |
15.30 | Miners Talk on coal transportation in Sumatra: What are the prospects for coal transportation and logistics infrastructure to unlock coal in Sumatra from the perspective of coal miners? Speaker:
Friday, 25 February 2022
14.00 – 16.00, Jakarta Time