2013 Indonesia Independent Power Producer (IPP) Conference
Jarman, Director General of Electricity, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Gultom Gushka, Directorate of Coal Business Utilization of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Jan Bartak, GDF Suez Indonesia
Adrian Lembong, Director of Adaro Power
Kaz Tanaka, President Director of DH Energy
Rudy Halim, President Director of PT DSSP Power Sumsel
Eddy Satria, Coordinating Ministry for Economics Republic of Indonesia
Alex Smillie, Vice President, PT Star Energy
And Many More
Tuesday - Wednesday, June 25 - 27, 2013
Shangri-La Hotel - Jakarta
Rp 20.000.000,- per person.
(including post conference workshop, materials, Coffee Breaks, and lunch)
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Conference background
Building a scheme to power Indonesia
With an electrification ratio of 75 percent in 2012, Indonesia has one of the lowest electrification ratios for comparable economies, according to the World Bank. The Bank estimates around 90 million people in Indonesia still do not have access to electricity.
Indonesian electricity consumption has been growing at 7-9 percent over the past decade, while the installed capacity only grew at a mere 4 percent. The capacity growth, about five years ago was still contributed by thousands of stand-by generators rather than new major power plants.
With most economists projecting Indonesia to be able to weather the current global economic crisis better than many other countries, the growth in power demand is expected to continue. There are thus huge investment opportunities in Indonesian power sector.
This two-day seminar is specifically designed to give investors and stakeholders clear direction of the government's policies to push forward the IPP scheme, PLN's detailed plan on the location and timing of each proposed IPP and for government and PLN to hear investors' perspective on the project development.
This is certainly an opportunity all stakeholders, investors would not be willing to miss.
Day 1: Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Moderator: Bambang Praptono, PLN Director of Planning and Technology (2009-2011) |
08.00 - 09.00 |
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Registration |
09.00 - 10.00 |
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Roadmap of Indonesia Electricity Sector; Government's Perspectives and Targets
- Defining the new RUKN 2012-2031 & RUPTL 2012-2021
- The role of the upcoming HVDC for Java-Sumatera power market
- HVDC; its grand design, development, and challenges
- Upcoming regulations for IPPs
- Upcoming policies to prop up renewables sector
- Updates from 2nd Fast Track Program (FTP)
Jarman, Director General of Electricity, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources |
10.00 - 10.40 |
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PLN's Upcoming Plan; Priority Development
- Java-Bali demand; pacing with the growth
- Transmission development program
- Sumatera, Kalimantan, and Eastern networks development plan
- PLN's expectation on IPP to achieving the best power supply postures
- Coal Fired Power Plants in Sumatera
- Progress and updates on Mine Mouth Sumsel 1-8 Project
- Updates on tender Mine Mouth 9 & 10
Murtaqi Syamsuddin, Director of Planning and Risk Management PLN |
Break |
10.40 - 12.00 |
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The Future of Conventional Coal Fired Power Plants (CFPP)
- Scaling conventional CFPP toward current coal market climate
- Understanding PLN's-CFPP Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
- PLN's preferences on future PPA. Determining aspects for schemes and tariff negotiation
- Challenges in building new CFPP
- Land acquisition problem
- Financing and environment obstacles
Heru dewanto, Director PT Cirebon Electric Power |
Lunch |
13.20 - 14.00 |
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Coal Pricing Mechanism and Regulations for Mine Mouth Power Plant
- Definition of mine mouth power plants
- Coal price for mine mouth PP, regulations and schemes applied
- Definition of low rank coal used for mine mouth PP
- Coal price determination if calorific value > 3000 Kcal/Kg
- Coal price determination if calorifric value < 3000 Kcal/Kg
- Royalty calculation
- "Production cost + 25 % margin" schemes
- Legal Issue: Should coal miner and power plant owner be the same entity?
- Is coal miner supplying to mine mouth PP subject to DMO policy?
Gultom Gushka, Directorate of Coal Business Utilization of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources |
14.00 - 14.30 |
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Developing Mine Mouth Power Plant: Issues and Challenges
- Obstacles in financing for mine mouth power plant
- Profitabilty scrutiny on mine mouth project
- The structure of PPA and its influence
- Optimum selling price
- Construction challenges
- Land acquisition problem
- Local government involvement
Kaz Tanaka, President Director DH Energy
Rudy Halim, President Director PT DSSP Power Sumsel |
14.30 - 15.15 |
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Planning, Analysis and Design of Indonesia's Power Project
- Characteristics of Indonesia power project
- Differentiating factors of Indonesia power project
- Issues on power generation procurement and development
- Maximizing power project's deliverance efficiency
- Main challenges in constructing current power project
Tony Frampton, SNC Lavalin |
14.30 - 15.15 |
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Geothermal's Prospect After Feed in Tariff Regulation
- Incentives for geothermal, a game changing policy?
- Understanding Feed in Tariff for geothermal projects
- Obtaining forest usage permit
- Ministry of Forestry approval for geothermal project
- What to do to get licenses in protected forest?
- Coping with involvement of regional/regency government
Alex Smillie, Vice President, PT Star Energy |
Break |
15.45 - 16.00 |
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Forest Permit for Geothermal Projects
- Classification of forests in Indonesia and its implication
- Technical requirements to get Forest Permit
- Data and qualifications must be submited
- Administration requirements and time allocation
- Tenure of forest permits
- Land replacement calculation
Ir. Bambang Dahono Adji, MM, M.Si., Director of Conservation Areas & Protected Forest Management, Ministry of Forestry |
16.00 - 16.30 |
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Understanding Government Incentives; What are they?
- Business Viability Guarantee (BVGL)
- What is BVGL
- Procedures and requirements to obtain BVGL
- What BVGL bring to a project?
- Project criteria eligibility
- Type of plants that managed to be guaranteed
- Terms of a guarantee
- Differentiating factors between IIGF's gurantee and BVGL
Arisia A. Pusponegoro, Partner at Lubis, Ganie, and Surowidjojo Law Firm |
Day 2: Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Moderator: Bambang Praptono, PLN Director of Planning and Technology (2009-2011) |
08.00 - 09.00 |
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Registration |
09.00 - 10.40 |
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Bankability of Power Project – Postures of Indonesia Power Sector in Finance Perspectives
- Bankability of a project?
- Factors of consideration for banks in valuating a project
- Financial risk of a project
- Financial risk of a project
- Risks of PLN financial postures
- Mitigation over dynamic changing of law and regulations
Jan Bartak, CEO GDF Suez Indonesia |
10.25 - 11.15 |
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Drafted regulation on fly ash and bottom ash: Ministry of Environment explanation
- Fly ash and bottom ash as hazardous waste?
- Classification list of hazardous waste
- New classifition for fly ash and bottom ash
- Treatment method
- Approval and certification
Masnellyarti Hilman, Head Deputy in the Ministry of Environment for Hazardous Waste treatment |
10.25 - 11.15 |
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Low rank coal utilization for power generation; coal dryer technology
- Steam tube dryer technology
- The cconomics of coal dryer technology for Indonesia's low rank coal
- Operation of STD technology in Indonesia
- Optimization output from STD for low rank coal fired power plant
Tsukishima Kikai (TSK) |
Break |
10.25 - 11.15 |
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National planning on Indonesia electricity sector
- National planning on Indonesia power generation
- Regional development
- Upcoming policies to prop reneweables up
- Future planning on national electricity power generation mix
Jadhie J. Ardajat, Director of Electricity, Telecommunication and Informatics at National Planning Bureau (Bappenas) |
10.25 - 11.15 |
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Government Guarantee for Power Plant Projects; Procedures and Standards
- What government guarantee brings to a project
- PMK 139 Regarding government guarantee on power plant projects; what does it guarantee?
- Dealing with risks over political turbulance and PLN financial condition
- Overcoming the rising political risks in central and regional governments.
The Role of IIGF in Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Schemes
- What is PPP scheme?
- Procedures and requirements for a project to be considered under PPP scheme
- What and how PPP projects can be guarantee? What does the guarantee covers?
- Advantages of PPP scheme
- Roles of Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (IIGF) in PPP projects, especially power plant?
- How IIGF guarantee may increase project creditworthiness?
Adrian Lembong, Director of Adaro Power |
11.15 - 12.30 |
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The Importance of Local Government's Support for Project Success
- Managing social issues around the project
- Involvement of local government in power project
- Obtaining community approval
- Local communities engagement for project's long term sustainability
- Managing regional issues on environment and social dynamics
Fazil Erwin Alfitri, President Director of PT Medco Power Indonesia |
Lunch |
13.40 - 14.10 |
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Medium-Small Power Plant Financing Consideration
- Bankability small-scale PP project
- Factors of consideration for banks in valuating a project
- Financial risk of a project
- Investment criteria of a project
- Financial risk of small-medium scale project
- Mitigation over dynamic changing of law and regulations
- Market potentiality of medium PP in Indonesia
Didiek Hartantyo, Executive VP Corporate Banking, Bank Mandiri |
14.10 - 14.40 |
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Hydro Power Plants in Indonesia
- Tapping Indonesia hydro energy resources
- Potentiality of Indonesia hydro power
- Challenges in developing hydro project in Eastern region
- Local support significance for project success
- Financing hydro power project
- Regulations related to new hydro projects in forest area
Knut Fossum, KF Gruppen AS/PT Sulawesi Mini Hydro Power |
14.10 - 14.40 |
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Geothermal in Indonesia; understanding business scheme today
- Geothermal business today; what are the differences?
- Characteristics of geothermal power generation
- Incentives for geothermal, a game changing policy?
Knut Fossum, KF Gruppen AS/PT Sulawesi Mini Hydro Power |
Break |
14.40 - 15.30 |
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What MP3EI's will bring Indonesia Electricity Development
- Masterplan of basic infrastructre planning across Indonesia
- Power network development
- Fundamentals to support power sector needs
- The significance of MP3EI for Indonesia's power needs
Eddy Satria, Coordinating Ministry for Economics Republic of Indonesia |
Panel Session |
15.30 - 16.15 |
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Indonesia's Energy and Electricity Demand, a Forecast on Indonesian Power Investment Climate
- Addressing regional energy efficiency needs
- Significant gas findings impact toward government energy policy in the future
- Implementation of Indonesia energy mix policy
- Development of CBM, LNG, and shale gas utilization for power generation
- Global fluctuation's impact toward Indonesia's economy
Didiek Hartantyo, Executive VP Corporate Banking, Bank Mandiri
Raden Pardede, Director, CReco Consulting
Adrian Lembong, Director of Adaro Power |